The Kay Evans Scholarship Fund is a not for profit organization with a mission:
“ To Foster Real Estate Careers Worth Having, By Removing Financial Barriers To Education For Deserving Candidates.”
Applications may be submitted by Team Leaders or Operating Partners to the Region. The Kay Evans Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)3. Ask your Team Leader for more information!
Market Center Happenings

Atlanta – Peachtree Road Market Center: The Peachtree Road MC hosted a very special celebration presented by their incredible owner, Jean Rawls, in honor of Dori Hicks and her 5 years of leadership and the announcement of her Co Leader Ahndea May remaining as CEO of KW Peachtree Road!

Atlanta – North Forsyth Market Center: 2023 Circle of Excellence ceremony was a huge success for KWCP!! Congratulations to all the winners!
Dawn’s Coffee Talk
☘️Shake those Shamrocks Southeast Region!☘️Time to celebrate!
We all survived the trip to Vegas and back (those time zones!), the Spring Forward time change (Mercy, I am still struggling to recover from that lost hour), and navigating this pollen surge (my sinuses!!). Now before you start all those shenanigans for St. Patty’s Day, let’s talk about another great quality that leaders possess as they travel the yellow brick road.
In my pursuit of becoming a better leader myself, I have noticed that leaders don’t rely on LUCK to achieve their goals. They don’t spend their time in green pastures searching for four leaf clovers. They are way more strategic. LEADERS SEEK WISDOM! You can’t have wisdom without knowledge, but you can have knowledge without wisdom. Most people confuse knowledge with wisdom or use them interchangeably, but there is actually a big difference between wisdom and knowledge. Good leaders have both. While knowledge and wisdom are similar in that both are learned—nobody is born with either—wisdom is something that only comes through lived experience. It is reflective, applied to a situation after the fact, that presents you with a decision of whether or not to learn from it. There are different types of wisdom. There’s secular wisdom, spiritual wisdom, personal wisdom, and professional wisdom—all of which build strong leaders in the various facets of their lives.
In the business setting, wisdom is necessary to calculate risk. One way leaders use wisdom to evaluate risk in business decisions is by doing their due diligence and looking at the data (or knowledge) of a potential deal but going beyond the facts and figures to examine the potential human impact. How will it help or hurt my finances and reputation? How will it positively and negatively affect the people who work with me? What is the best and worst case scenario? Leaders use wisdom to guide their decisions and then take action. So as you close out the 1st quarter of 2024, ask yourself a couple of questions. Who do I need to include in my life that is wise? What situations have happened so far this year that I can learn from? How will I apply what I have learned so far this year? What will I do differently in the 2nd Quarter? And last but not least, will I be a leader or a leprechaun? Will I build my business on the models that I know that are proven success (Read that MREA book!) or manipulate systems and models to fool myself that there is really a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. Instead of chasing unicorns and rainbows, let’s chase listings and leverage this month. I am confident it will turn our green pastures into even greener pastures.
For all my Irish people (and those who pretend to be on St. Patrick’s Day), enjoy your Green Beer, eat some Green Eggs and Ham, and Kiss someone you love this weekend. Which reminds me….I still need to take my 23 and Me DNA test to see if my red hair makes me Irish (pretty sure I am not) yet until the proof comes back, may I extend an Irish Blessing to you:
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields, And, until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. 💚
Lucky to have each of you in my life,
Southeast Region Rankings
From February KWRI Reports: In an effort to recognize individual teams and groups we are using KWRI reports which reflect GCI.
Navigate the arrows on the sides or the buttons at the bottom to see our Top Ranking Agents, Leaders, and Market Centers!
Tragedy can strike at any moment. Whether it be fire, rain, disease, or accident, we never know when we will need the most help. It was for this that Keller Williams formed KW Cares, which is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help KW associates with hard times. Last year, KW Cares approved grants for $3,429,683 to our associates helping them get through some of the darkest times in their lives. And while KW Cares has the ability to impact so many lives every year, we can always do more. This is KW Culture in action. Both serving our community at large, while protecting our people.
One of the best, easiest ways to contribute without even realizing you’ve done so, is by taking advantage of what we refer to as “transactional giving”. That is to say, Command allows you to add a dollar amount or a percentage to donate a portion of your commissions to KW’s charitable organizations such as KW Cares, KWKC (Next Gen), and BOLD Scholarships. These recurring deductions will then automatically be added to all commission requests.
All you have to do to set this up is go to Opportunity settings on the back end of Command, click on recurring deductions, and set an amount. If every agent in our region added even a nominal $5, $10, $20 per transaction, it would raise over a million dollars a year in our region for the benefit of our KW family members.
What better way to show we care, and that we have each other’s backs when times get tough?
If you need additional steps to get all set, check out this article.
– Patrick Mauldin
The Kay Evans Scholarship for High School Seniors
Did you know that the Kay Evans Scholarship Fund awards high school senior scholarships? This will be the eighth year of the program and 30 scholarships have been awarded for a total of $28,500.