April 2023 Newsletter


The Kay Evans Scholarship Fund is a not for profit organization with a mission:

“ To Foster Real Estate Careers Worth Having, By Removing Financial Barriers To Education For Deserving Candidates.”

Applications may be submitted by Team Leaders or Operating Partners to the Region. The Kay Evans Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)3. Ask your Team Leader for more information!



Market Center Happenings

Atlanta – North Forsyth Market Center: Agent Branson Willingham received the “Rookie of the Year” award from the 400N Board at the Circle of Excellence!

Atlanta – Northeast Market Center: Hosted a vendor fair for their agents!

Atlanta – North Forsyth: American Red Cross hosted a blood drive in the North Forsyth MC.

Clarksville, TN Market Center: About 90 people from the Clarksville MC took part in “Run for Rayna”, an event put together to support the Williamson family. To learn more and support Rayna in her medical journey, click here.

Atlanta – Peachtree Road Market Center: An end of Women’s History Month hosted at the Peachtree Road MC with a panel of powerful women – Jennifer Barnes, Lisa Pinson, Cheryl Sadoti, and Jean Rawls.

Episode 17: It’s a beautiful spring here in the Southeast Region, and from what we’re seeing a bit of seasonality is back. Join us as we catch up for the month, talk about several great events such as Glover U and Mega Camp, and show you the EASIEST way to join the 201+ Club.

Materials mentioned in video: Database  Cleanup | Smart Plan Everyone

Southeast Region Sponsors

Mike’s Minute

They say April showers bring May flowers.

Here’s a thought. What if we applied that to our businesses? What if this month you started building the habit of “watering” your business? What if you consistently fed your business? What would bloom in the months ahead?

What does watering your business look like?!?!?

Here are some ways you can WATER your business!
1. Build your database.
2. Feed your database using Command SmartPlans, social media ads, farming, etc.
3. Attend at least one class plus your Market Center team meeting each week.
4. Read a book focused on developing your business. Have you read Ed Mylett’s The Power of One More? If not, I recommend it!
5. Host an Open House for another agent.
6. Do “pop-bys” to your past clients’ homes and give them a treat for Spring.
7. Host a popsicle or ice cream truck at a local event or fire station or police station or breakroom at a hospital or school.
8. Commit to call 20 people in your database every day.
9. Sign up for MegaCamp in Austin, Texas August 15-16.
10. Hand write cards to 10 past clients each week.
11. Post at least once daily on Social Media.

And that’s just a quick list for you to consider! I know this…if you want your business to grow, you have to put in the work.

So…water your business!

April ACTIVITIES bring May…and June….and July….and August…CLOSINGS!
Happy Spring, Southeast Region!



P.S. Go subscribe to “This is the Southeast” on our YouTube Channel – and follow us on Instagram @KWSoutheast!

Southeast Region Rankings

From March KWRI Reports:  In an effort to recognize individual teams and groups we are using KWRI reports which reflect GCI.

Navigate the arrows on the sides or the buttons at the bottom to see our Top Ranking Agents, Leaders, and Market Centers!


With all the talk around the 201+ Club, I felt it was important for us to revisit a core aspect of maintaining a database. We all know by now that the size of our real estate business mirrors the size and quality of our database, but many of us are afraid to do the work of getting it all in and cleaning it up. It feels overwhelming to work on hundreds or maybe thousands of contacts. I want to tell you that it is easier than you think.

Think of your database today as a collection of little scraps of paper in a pile before you, each containing different levels of information. Our objective is to sort all these little pieces of paper into 3 buckets.

One bucket has the words CORE on the side. That bucket is for people who know, like, and trust us. This is our sphere, past clients, our raving fans. These are people we need to stay in relationship with at the highest level.

Another bucket has the word LEADS on it. This is for those people who have shown some sort of interest at some point and might convert into a sale. We are working towards getting to know these people better.

The last bucket is COLD. This is the bucket for those you have some information on, maybe just a name and email, but you really aren’t sure what to do with them. We’re looking to engage this group in any way we can.

And so, we must pick up those little pieces of paper, and one by one, sort them into their proper places. Good news is technology makes this easier.

After you’ve imported your phone contacts, go to Command on Desktop and filter your contacts based on “Lead Source: iPhone” or “Lead Source: Android”. Then work your way through those contacts, checking the box on the left of each contact you recognize. Once you have selected everyone on the page who you know, click the bulk action at the top, “Add Tags”, and give them the CORE tag.

Now with this tag you can filter your database with a Smart View if you like, showing only the most important contacts in your database. I would recommend working through this list of CORE contacts as well, identifying those who are your Past Clients (giving them a tag of their own) and Raving Fans (also giving them a tag).

Repeat the process for LEADS and COLD contacts, realizing that each group requires different communications. First and foremost, though, will always be your CORE. CORE comes first. With a well-organized database of contacts, you can easily follow-up, utilize Smart Plans, and go deeper with these groups to grow and scale your real estate business. 


– Patrick Mauldin

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Author: r19website